Other methods


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a technique based on the assumption that emotional stress and psychological discomfort can be relieved by tapping certain acupuncture points. It is important to note that EFT should not be seen as a substitute for conventional medical treatments, but as a complementary method to promote emotional well-being.
EFT, also known as "tapping acupressure", combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychological concepts. The method involves gently tapping certain acupuncture points while the patient focuses on emotional challenges or stressful thoughts. The aim is to release emotional blockages and allow a freer flow of energy in the body.
During an EFT session, the patient is guided to focus on a stressful issue or emotional challenge. At the same time, certain acupuncture points are stimulated by gentle tapping. This is intended to help release negative emotions and bring about a positive change in the body's energy flow. EFT can also be learned as a self-help technique and then used independently.

Breathwork/ Rebirthing

This method deals with the conscious regulation and deepening of the breath in order to release physical and mental blockages. It is important to emphasize that breathwork should not be seen as a substitute for conventional medical treatments, but as a complementary method to promote well-being and stress management.
Breathwork, also known as rebirthing, is a technique based on the idea that the breath is a key to physical and emotional health. Through conscious breathing, the aim is to improve breathing patterns in order to release deep-seated tensions and emotional blockages. The term "rebirthing" refers to the fact that conscious breathing is seen as a kind of "rebirth" that can lead to deeper relaxation and self-discovery.
Breathwork is often carried out in individual sessions or groups, led by experienced breathwork therapists. During the session, the focus is on conscious breathing. This usually involves deep, rhythmic breaths to help loosen restricted breathing patterns. By changing breathing patterns, emotional and physical blockages can be released, which can lead to an increased sense of well-being.

Family constellations

An interesting opportunity to gain clarity and deeper insights in various areas of life - both professional and private.
To constellate means to take a picture, a snapshot of a current situation that lacks clarity. A constellation makes it possible to observe the dynamics of the system from the outside, to explore and utilize them.
The currently best-known type of constellation, the family constellation, is based on the assumption that there is not only genetic inheritance but also psychological inheritance.
Thus, it can happen that traits are passed on within the generations of a family, are repeated and thus restrict individual development through entanglements.
Within a family constellation, issues of the family of origin or the current relationship or family can be worked on. An inner image is brought to the outside and can thus be changed - this also changes the real situation and we have the opportunity to find our place within our systems.
Systemic family constellations have very close links to psychology and psychotherapy. Their aim is to dissolve entanglements in other people's fates from one's own family and ancestral lineage from the past in order to achieve freedom in the here and now.
Our behavior is largely determined by unconscious rules. We learn these rules in our families and they are passed on from generation to generation. In addition to patterns that help us to successfully cope with everyday life, we also adopt behaviors that put more strain on our relationships than they help. In addition, certain rules of order operate in our family of origin and in other social contexts. Failure to observe or violations of these orders of love, as well as severe strokes of fate in the family of origin, are unconsciously adopted by the offspring and compensated for by proxy. There are various systemic techniques to make these patterns conscious and thus changeable.
Family constellations involve a process of clarification that gradually reconciles the participants with their family of origin and frees the present from the damaging patterns of the past.
Family constellations allow you to experience the effects of your own change: a profound change in your heart that organizes, structures and thus regenerates. This makes it possible to recognize and solve problems. We assume that everything that is thought and done manifests itself as energy, both good and bad.
Family constellations can be used for chronic illnesses and life crises. The effect of family constellations is often immediately apparent. The success of family constellations can be tested and experienced in the reaction of the real family and in the changed behavior of individual persons. These positive energies continue to have an effect for a long time. By dissolving the entanglements, recovery can also take place.

I hope that this information has given you an overview of the topic(s). If you have any further questions or uncertainties, we recommend that you contact your doctor or therapist to discuss the treatment options that are suitable for you.
Energetic methods and advice are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, examination and treatment, nor are they a substitute for psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment, diagnosis or examination.
For examination, diagnosis and treatment/therapy, please consult your doctor, psychologist or psychotherapist.
The effectiveness and success of the energetic methods has not been scientifically proven or, in the case of certain methods, refuted. The energetic methods are not working methods in the sense of empirical scientific knowledge.
The success of the energetic methods is therefore not predictable or measurable. No success of any kind is promised or guaranteed, in particular no healing or alleviating success.