Dowsing and interference suppression/ Interference zone neutralization

Dowsing rods and pendulums have been used by experts for thousands of years. Until recently, people had to rely on speculation about the mysterious powers that were used to achieve sensational results. Modern radiesthesia has proven these powers.

Radiesthesic applications of the divining rod:
* for the search for water sources
* minerals,
* Underground caves,
* Archaeological treasures,
* harmful rays
* Instructions for self-experiments.

You will see that this is an art that anyone can learn, as these abilities lie hidden within us all and only need to be "awakened".

The Israeli-born Uri Geller can even locate undiscovered oil wells on maps using a divining rod.

I will show you how you can use your dowsing rods yourself and how you can neutralize the "interference zones" found with them.

Feng Shui

The Chinese words "feng" and "shui" mean "wind" and "water" respectively. This concept originates from an ancient Chinese poem which states that human life is connected to the surrounding environment and flows with it.

What is Feng Shui?
The philosophy of Feng Shui is a practice in which we look at our living and working spaces and create a balance with nature/the environment.

In Asian culture, this philosophy is called Tao, which translates as "the way". Taoism is the way of nature, and all the basic principles of Feng Shui reflect nature.

The essential principles of Feng Shui are:
* the ruling position,
* the bagua and
* the five elements.

Feng Shui can be used to determine the location, construction and architectural features of buildings, the placement and style of furniture, colors and decorating schemes, as well as the location of plantings, pathways and other exterior features.

By creating a more pleasant atmosphere, Feng Shui can improve family communication, restore cooperation among employees and increase a business's sales.

The principles can be applied to any style of building or decorating, not just Chinese or Asian styles.


Radionics assumes that all living beings are surrounded by an energy known as life energy or life force. This energy can be influenced by various factors and health problems may occur if the energy flow is disrupted. Radionics practitioners use special devices called radionic devices to analyze and harmonize the body's energetic patterns.
The way radionics works is based on the assumption that every organism has a unique energetic signature. By detecting these signatures using radionics equipment, imbalances or disturbances in the energy flow can be identified. The practitioner can then try to harmonize the energy in the body through targeted impulses and restore the balance.
One aim of radionics is to harmonize the energetic patterns in the body in order to promote general well-being.
This method of instrumental biocommunication is counted among the mental-apparative or psycho-ap-parative methods for the analysis and balancing of (subtle) information fields of living systems (morphogenetic fields) (Harald Rauer: Das Radionik-Praxis-Handbuch).
In contrast to bioresonance procedures (resonance waves generate an energetic stimulation of self-regulation mechanisms and immunity), no sample vials etc. are required. The energetic connection to the client is maintained via a photo.
The use of radionics in human and animal energetics cannot replace a medical diagnosis and treatment!
I offer you the opportunity to benefit from the advantages and possibilities of radionics via remote application.

I hope that this information has given you an overview of the topic(s). If you have any further questions or uncertainties, we recommend that you contact your doctor or therapist to discuss the treatment options that are suitable for you.
Energetic methods and advice are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, examination and treatment, nor are they a substitute for psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment, diagnosis or examination.
For examination, diagnosis and treatment/therapy, please consult your doctor, psychologist or psychotherapist.
The effectiveness and success of the energetic methods has not been scientifically proven or, in the case of certain methods, refuted. The energetic methods are not working methods in the sense of empirical scientific knowledge.
The success of the energetic methods is therefore not predictable or measurable. No success of any kind is promised or guaranteed, in particular no healing or alleviating success.